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How Do I Configure the Polycom SoundPoint IP 550 Desk Phone?

Step 1 – Connect / Power-On Device       

  1. Connect Provided Network Cable to port on bottom of device labeled “LAN”
  2. Connect Power cord to port on bottom of device
  3. Connected Cables should look like image below:


Step 2 – Obtain IP Address for Self-Management

  1. With the power cord connected, the Device will boot/power-up. After initializing, you should see info displayed on the LCD screen. Confirm device is powered on before continuing to next step.
  2. Press Menu button on right-side of phone.
  3. Press 2 for Status
  4. Press for Network
  5. Press 1 for TCP/IP Parameters
  6. Note the value of IP: _________________
     i.e. (one-nine-two-dot-one-six-eight-dot-one-dot-two-zero-one)


Step 3 – Configure Device through Web Browser

  1. From your computer open a web browser
  2. Please enter this into your web browser at the top of the page. An example is
  3. The default username is admin and password is 456
  4.  In top navigation, navigate to Settings -> Provisioning Server
  5. Update Server Type to: https
  6. Server Address:
  7. Update field “Server User” removing anything populated in field
  8. Update field “Server Password” removing anything populated in field
  9. At bottom of screen click Save
  10. If prompted to save configuration changes click Yes
  11. Your device  will restart 1 or more times while the Device is re-provisioned to the new settings. During this time the lights on your device will go blank / blink. When the device is ready, the Line1 indicator light should be solid Green.


Step 4 – Obtain Device MAC 

  1.  Press Menu button on right-side of phone.
  2. Press 2 for Status
  3. Press for Network
  4. Press 2 for Ethernet
  5. Note the value of “MAC”: _____________________
     i.e. 00:04:F4:1C:3A:2C

Step 5 – Obtain Device Serial Number (SN)

  1. Press Menu button on right-side of phone.
  2. Press 2 for Status
  3. Press for Platform
  4. Press 1 for Phone
  5. Note the value of “S/N”: _____________________
  6. Send S/N and MAC information to support to finish the buildout.


Step 6 – Place a test call.  

  1. Place test call to an “Off-Network” number to confirm calls complete.
  2. Place test call to an “On-Network” number such as another Employees Extension.


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