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Setup & Login

Important Notes:

  • The username and password created at signup is different than your mobile app login. 
  • The app is designed to sync with your personal employee(user) extension.
  • You'll use the device setup form to create unique a unique mobile app login for your employee extension.

To login to the UniTel Voice Office Mobile App follow the three steps below or watch a quick video

Step 1: Create an Employee Extension (if you have not already done so).

*Note you may have already created or been invited to your employee extension. If so skip Step 1.

1. Here is a complete guide to setting up an employee extension.

2. Here's a great video on how extensions work in our system.

Step 2: Setup The Mobile App For Your Employee Extension.

1. Once the extension is created enter the extensions settings by selecting "Edit"

2. Inside the "General Information" menu toggle ON "Mobile App & Devices".

3. The "Mobile App & Devices" menu will appear in the righthand column. Here you will see a link to the device setup form for the mobile app, softphone, and IP-phones.

4. The Device Setup Form creates unique logins to connect the mobile app & softphone to each employee extension. Once the form is completed you will receive your mobile app & softphone login with links to download the applications. 

Here's a quick video on the Setting Up Devices

Step 3: Download the apps and login

1. Once you've received your mobile app and softphone username and password in an email from the device setup form download and install the apps. Below are links to download the UniTel Voice Office mobile app and softphone.

Mobile App:


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