Transferring a call means you are in a call and you want to hand this call over to someone else (the target). Forwarding a call is something different; it means you redirect an incoming call to another number without answering the incoming call. Another number could be your mobile phone number or someone else's number.
Two types of call transfer
There are two types of call transfers.
An unattended or blind transfer occurs when you transfer a call without talking to the target – the person you are sending the call to. An attended transfer occurs when you talk to the target before transferring the call.
The UniTel Voice transfer button can be set with Transfer Now or to Call First as the default. You can set the default in the Preferences: Application panel
Unattended transfer
In an unattended or blind transfer, you transfer the call to the target without talking to the target first.
1. Click Transfer this call (Windows) or Transfer (Mac) at the bottom of the call panel. UniTel Voice puts the call on hold.
2. Type the name or number of the target, use the redial drop-down list, or drag the target’s contact into the Enter name or number field.
3. Click Transfer Now if it is your default or click the drop-down arrow beside Call First and click Transfer Now.
UniTel Voice attempts to transfer the call to the target. The call may end immediately or may show Transfer: Calling. If you see Transfer: Calling, do not hang up. If the target does not answer, the call will return to you.
Attended transfer
Transfer the call to the target after speaking to the target.
Click Transfer this call (Windows) or Transfer (Mac) at the bottom of the call panel. The call is put on hold.
2. Type the name or number of the target, use the redial drop-down menu, or drag the target’s contact into the Enter name or number field.
3. Click Call First if it is your default or click the drop-down arrow beside Transfer Now and click Call First.
UniTel Voice phones the target. When the target answers, Transfer Now is enabled
4. Speak to the target. If the target wants to take the call, click Transfer Now (Windows) or Transfer now (Mac). If the target does not want to take the call, click the X at the bottom of the call panel.
UniTel Voice transfers the call to the target if the target accepts the call.