Step 1 – Connect / Power On Phone
- Connect one end of the provided Ethernet cable to the blue port on back of device labeled “Internet” and the other end to your Router / Gateway.
- Connect Power cord to port labeled “DC 5V Power”
- Connect your analog phone to port labeled “Phone 1”. ** Each Phone is a different line so it is important to connect your device to the correct port.
Step 2 – Obtain IP Address for Self-Management
- Power on Device. With the power cord connected, the Phone Adaptor will power on. Power light will blink while initializing device. Confirm device is powered on before continuing to next step.
- From your connected phone, dial **** (star 4-times). You should hear announcement “Configuration Menu”.
- Dial 110#.
- You should then hear the IP address read to you. Note this information below.
i.e. (one-nine-two-dot-one-six-eight-dot-one-dot-two-zero-one)
Step 3 – Configure Device through Web Browser
- From your computer open a web browser
- Please enter this into your web browser at the top of the page. An example is
- The default username is admin and password is admin
- Click the top Navigation “Voice”
- In the Left Navigation, click Provisioning
- Under section “Configuration Profile” paste the below test into Profile Rule:
[--key $B]$A/$MA.cfg - Under section “General Purpose Parameters” update GPP A to: 125
- At bottom of screen click Submit
- Your adaptor will restart 1 or more times while the Device is re-provisioned to the new settings. During this time the lights on the top of your device will go blank blink. When the device is ready, the Line1 indicator light should be solid Green.
Step 4 – Place a test call.
- Place test call to an “Off-Network” number to confirm calls complete.
- Place test call to an “On-Network” number such as another Employees Extension.