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How do I enable Voicemail Transcription?

Voicemail Transcription converts your voicemails into text, making it easier to read messages instead of listening to them. Follow these simple steps to enable this feature:

Step 1: Add Voicemail Transcription to Your Account

  • Go to Settings > Extras.
  • Click the Add button next to Voicemail Transcription.

Step 2: Enable Voicemail Transcription for an Extension

  • Click Extensions
  • Click Edit next to the extension you want to enable it for.
  • Scroll down to toggle Voicemail Transcription ON.
  • Scroll back up to Save or Save & Close

That's it! Your voicemails will now be transcribed and included in your voicemail email notifications.

ⓘ Still confused? Having trouble?

Contact us at [email protected], call 855-888-6423 x2, or Chat with us online.

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